Due to hit book store shelves in February 2012, Yes! Energy: The Equation To Do Less, Make More, the highly anticipated new book by Loral Langemeier, is written for people who desire more. They desire more from their lives, communities and countries. They seek abundance and fulfillment. They strive for action and success. However, they want to achieve these goals through less work. They want their pie in the sky and they want to eat it too. Is this possible?
At first glance, this may seem to be an impossible feat. However, in Yes! Energy: The Equation To Do Less, Make More, Langemeier teaches that it is indeed possible. In fact, it is much more possible than ever thought before. Furthermore, the process is a simple one. Indeed, people already have the tools they need to achieve success. The problem is most people haven’t used the tools already available to them because they don’t yet know how.
In this book, Langemeier shares stories that have taught her, and many others, how to employ their own tools in order to build and maintain a successful life. It is a very personal journey in which Langemeier recounts the trial and tribulations she has surmounted in order to achieve the success she has today. With each story that she shares, a valuable lesson is taught. As the pages progress, the reader is shown how to manage energy more efficiently and stop struggling with time and resource management. They learn how to create an environment of extreme optimism through accelerating creativity, faith and skills they already possess.